Jacob SchwartzProjectsArtist statement:

My artistic process consists largely of mimicking objects and environments, combining materials and ready-made objects, and revealing traces resulting from the process.

My research focuses on human expression through material objects, and the idea that our experience of the material world relies on the availability of context. It can be a physical context, the structures we live in, and the systems we use to relay information and express culture. It can also result from an intangible context, such as how memory can affect the portrayal of an image or experience. By exposing images to varying conditions, I create an environment in which imagery and environmental conditions allude to each other in a self-referencing system. I question both the reality of the object and its representation.

My installations sculptures and assemblages, aim to manifest the results of these conditions physically and expose and re-evaluate the mechanisms that dictate the representation of things.


Group Exhibitions:

2023 All I want you to do is sew me up again, Elypsis Gallery

2023 Undergrowth, Personeelskamer

2023 Distributie van Entkristallen

2022 Lift Off, Centraal Museum

2021 Democracy, Museum van de geest Amsterdam

2021 ALL INN, Het HEM

2020 Ruis 20/20 Daybreak

2020 20/20 Depot, AG

2019 Breakfast at building sites, LOU Oudernoord


Bachelor of Finer Art, HKU Utrecht, 2016-2020

Artist in residency:

Creative playground, Utrecht


E-mail:  jacob_j.a.s@hotmail.com

Instagram:  jacobschwartzjacobschwartz