Jacob SchwartzProjectsAbout
Hoarder Installation (2021)

The exhibitions’s  backdrop was a  creative interpretation of Andy Warhol’s Studio  known as the factory. In the Extravagant setting in  New York, Warhol welcomed  both  superstars and  eccentric outsiders  in the 1960s.  Like Warhol, Lantink leveraged his own fame  and  revived  Warhal’s factory with  superstars , allowing visitors to contribute  to the exhibition themselves.  Lantink  collaborated with Jan Hoek ,  founder of outsiderwear , a  project  where  talented outsider artists  collaborate  with emerging  or already  successful  fashion designers, streetwear labels  and  artists.

The Silver Hoarder installation was a collaboration between Duran Lantink, Victor Crepsley, Jacob Schwartz and participants of theater LeBelle
